Sunday, February 10, 2019


                                                                                                             By Himanshu Phartiyal

Before decade somewhere between 1998-2008,social media has gained importance with its highly interactive zone of unity and brotherhood across globe.Its importance is such that no one wants their life without these media'a.Imagine if there would be peigons sending messages then the whole world would suffer because of lacking these social networks like facebook or instagram.

We will not discuss the problems of social network here because something that is likeable to us need not to be criticized. Above all it should not be considered as the downfall of nation because of its heavy fan following.

Image result for instagram

Social media  are interactive web based technologies that facilitates the creation and sharing of information ,ideas ,career interest,other forms of expressions.

Facebook tops the list of social networks with 2,700 millon followers folloed by youtube (1,900 mn ) etc.
Social media helps in promoting business ideas by enterpreneurs.It promotes the brands and marketing of products.Many use social media as for sharing there regular thoughts.It helps them to stay connected.

Social networks nowadays has pros and cons of it.We have to take steps in eradicating the anti-nation thoughts by political group.We have also found that the obscene posts by some users ,spreading negativity in a particular region.

Instagram chief Alam Mosseri has announced four measures relating to self-harm activites in their platform.
  1. He said"We will not allow graphic images of self harm,such as cutting in instagram even if it would been allowed on admission.
  2. We will not show non graphic self harm related content.
  3. We will support them in time of need with all our resources ,by sending them to organizations for treatment.
  4. Given that social networks platforms has the potential to effect mental state that bring drepession.
So instagram has taken some measurely steps in eradicating these forms of negativity.
In terms of Facebook ,Facebook did an experiment to add dislike option to check the responce of their network.Study has revealed that obscene post by some users bring heavy negativity on those who see them.So its good have a downvote button.In fact the downvote button would improve the facebook and respect the dignity of majority.It would be beneficial that the downvote button would help in expressing the views of users in facebook.

Image result for facebook downvote button

Some might for example :An ignorant post some obscene scene then the downvote button would help them in the most significant ways.The same could be said of fake news also.Your reaction is most needed on social network as they are life saviours.Youtube has also the same option but it would beneficial for facebook if it would add it too.